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Blog Entries posted by mrsb91986

  1. mrsb91986
    Hi everyone!
    It is nice and sunny today, as opposed to the rain yesterday.
    Let's see, it's been interesting around here lately. My Aunt is still battling, whatever? She's finally off Antibiotics, and only on pain meds for her flank pain. The specialist (urologist)said she is completely clear of ANY kidney infection or obstruction. My aunt has only ONE kidney. She went into Albany Medical Center (a teaching hospital) yesterday a.m. THANK GOD! Maybe they'll finally find out what is wrong with her. AMC is the next best thing to NY or Boston hospitals. It's been 7 weeks since she became so ill. Yes, 7 WEEKS! Today it looks like they're checking for a 'cyst' on her adrenal gland. Hey, it's a start.
    I had my consultation with Dr. Ludlam on Wednesday night, the 18th. The gist of the conversation was, my past 4 tests were low, not diagnostic. After comparing results with symptoms experienced while testing, Dr. L said that it SEEMS as though I am testing at the right time, but I may be someone who's Cortisol is highest, when feeling the most nauseous, weak, etc. So that is our strategy. He's sending a Rx for 8 tests (24 UFC's, Cortisol & ACTH bloods, Salivettes). He said to test randomly, either every Sunday, or any two days a week, or every day. It is up to me. I mentioned to Dr. L that he had spoken in the past about a Growth Hormone Stim test, and he said that I am welcome to come out there (since I don't have any confidence in this local endo group) and while I was there, they'd run the other tests like when I went to Camp Cushie the 1st time. My husband and I are hashing that out. I just feel as though I am getting sicker and sicker. Since School has let out, almost 1 month ago, I've done almost nothing except my son's grad party, which took over a week to recover from and also went to Northeastern University for my son's and parent orientation. Walking around campus was not pretty. It was to the point that just holding a cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee was too difficult for me to do.
    Anyhow, I am going to try this strategy and after posting, I see that there are quite a few Cushies that do get high results while feeling like I do. Here's hoping!
    Anyone reading this, could you please say a prayer or two for my aunt, that these docs will find out what is wrong with her, BEFORE it's too late. Thanks a bunch!
    Hugs to all,
  2. mrsb91986
    Hi everyone!
    It's a beautiful day here in Schodack NY! Sunny and not humid.
    Let's see...Our son graduated from HS on Saturday June 23. Unfortunately I had 'something', not sure if it was a stomach flu or just an EXTREME low. The afternoon of the ceremony I had a temp of 104*. Thank GOD, Nick was in the front, so I was able to see him walk across the stage. Our daughter then drove me home and they went out for dinner with my husbands mom, sister and boy friend as well as my parents. I cried the whole day. I felt as though I was such a wus and suckie mother. Who could do something like that to her son? Yes, I realize that if I wasn't sick, I mean VERY sick, I would have been there. At least I didn't screw up his party the following week. Thank God for sisters. If it wasn't for my sister the house would not have looked as good and not as much would have been done.
    Both our son and daughter ended up with very bad eye infections. Who knows where that came from. Both are doing alright. My son is still wearing glasses, his one eye is still blurry. We're seeing the Optometrist today. Our daughter (got it from our son) is doing much better, but her eye is still blurry too. My Godmother/Aunt was VERY sick, and being that she only has one kidney and they said it was triggered by a kidney infection. We were EXTREMELY worried. After 5 weeks she finally saw a Urologist who decided that the antibiotic that she was on would never get rid of the bacteria, because the bacteria was resistant to it. He changed it and as of yesterday, day 2, she was feeling the best she had in 5 weeks!!!! I wish that I could predict when I would have my good days. It's been three weeks since Summer vacation began and I haven't the strength or energy to do anything.
    This weekend, we're going to Northeastern University for student/parent orientation! This is my 1st time seeing the campus. My son seems to be psyched about moving in 8/30.
    This will be it for now!
  3. mrsb91986
    Hello everyone!
    I can't believe it's been so long. So much has happened. I figured I'd post today since I called in to work due to extreme weakness in my arms and legs. Yesterday I had a VERY difficult time just driving. It's raining and I am just vegging. OK here it goes.
    I saw Dr. Ludlam in Seattle the week following Easter. I had some highs out there but he wants more and higher. Dr. L. thought that although I am only 168 lbs ( I am 5'1"), my body is definitely not proportional. He said that I've got the hump, supraclavical fat pads, very large stomach, very thin arms and legs, and muscle weakness. Not to mention all my medical problems. He felt that Cyclical cushings is something to go after. I've tested since I've been back and although I had two, some-what high results, he wants me to be more specific about when I test. He also wants me at some point to go out and have the Human growth hormone stim test. But he said lets not make plans yet. Just keep testing....
    As for family: My baby, Nick is graduating from high school at the end of the month. I can't believe it! Where did the time go? My sister had a very close call with cervical cancer, but her last procedure showed no more signs of cancer. Thank you Jesus!!! My daughter is back from college. For all of you college mom and dad's they are on a different time schedule than us...My brother and his wife from San Jose were just here looking at houses and they found one and bought it!!!!! YAY! We can't wait to have them back here! Well, I've got to go. Since summer vacation is almost upon us, yes, that is a benefit of working in a school, maybe I can be more dilligent in blogging.
  4. mrsb91986
    I am sooooo excited! My brother, whom I previously mentioned in an entry, is definitely coming with my sister-in-law to look at homes in the area. They'll be flying in on May 26th! PSYCHE!
    No news from the insurance company. That REALLY ticks me off! But I do believe that the Lord has His own time, and it does not often go with our time frame. After reading about Monica and her success, although as difficult as it was, it is encouraging to the rest of us who are in limbo. No, not the party game! I am hoping that someone else will be coming out for testing on 4/9 as well. It would be nice to actually MEET someone from the boards. My husband will be coming with me.
    Feeling kind of poopy the past couple of days. I just can't pin point it. I do feel as though I must be cycling rather quickly. So quickly I feel as though my head is spinning. LITERALLY! And no, not like Linda Blair...well maybe sometimes... Feeling wired, only slept between 3 1/2-4 hrs last night. Very uncomfortable, body aches and pain, neck, shoulders, hump, HIP pain, BIG TIME! I've lost 5 lbs in a day and a half, doing nothing different. My straie goes from pink to deep purple, then back. My face goes from deep red/purple to just plain red. Today at Walmart I had to take my coat off while shopping but then when it was time to leave I didn't even bother zipping it up. Mind you, with the windchill it only feels like 5 degrees. WHEW!!! My body is getting a work out. Guess I'll go and blog again when I feel like it.
    Take care and God bless!
  5. mrsb91986
    Hello Everyone!
    WOW! It's been almost five monthes since I've written here. I was going through a VERY tough time. Depression took hold of me due to the fact that I have been in limbo regarding moving forward to see Dr. Ludlam. He is now out in Seattle Washington at Swedish Medical. My primary did finally give me a referral but now we wait for the insurance to decide whether it will pay for the visits and testing. If they won't pay all, we could probably manage 80 % but no less.
    I think that I am finally getting the hang of my cycles. Like now I am almost certain that I am in a high. I've got the purple straie, hump is rather noticeable and last night I could not sleep although I had taken a nap during the day, I forced myself to stay up until 11:00 p.m. I was still awake at 3:00 a.m. My face is also VERY flushed!
    I've gotten some exciting news regarding one of my brothers out in San Jose! He and his wife MAY POSSIBLY be moving back here. If not soon, they expect it'll be within the next two years or less. YAY!
    The weather here in Upstate, NY has been rather mild. Well at least up until a month ago. The temps had been in the 30's for most of November and December. Then January came and the temps plummeted, with temps in the 20's often with a below 0 windchill and we FINALLY had some snow as I am sure that you've all heard. We received 2+ feet on Wednesday, Feb. 14. That was the only measurable snow that we had gotten at that point.
    Once again, I must say how thankful I am for the WONDERFUL website! It is a Godsend! Thank you to all you wonderful Cushies who have gotten many people through the difficult times!
    God bless you all!
    Mar [/size]
  6. mrsb91986
    Hello All,
    What a glorious day here in Upstate NY! It is literally a picture perfect day! The temperatures are rather mild.
    Physically, all in all , it's been a good week. I've had more energy. I've been doing that fall baking that I mentioned a few posts back. Made Past Fagioli yesterday and pumpkin gems (boxed) for my nephew's 16th birthday party this evening. I do have a hard time falling asleep, but when I do, I do not hear a thing! I am still very stiff and sore, but you know what? I am just grateful for the energy and the weather outside!!!!
    One less stress is, my daughter is finally getting a roommate in her dorm. She was here yesterday feeling pretty lonely at the dorm, but once again the Lord answered our prayers, She called last night and said that she spoke on Facebook to her new roommate and that she seems very nice and they even have a couple of mutual aquaintances and friends!!! Yay!
    Got to go, maybe I can catch a nap....
  7. mrsb91986
    Hi all,
    YESSSSS! Another long weekend!!!! Not to mention payday! My honey made out well with his procedure and the Dr. thinks it was just a benign polyp! THANK YOU JESUS!!!! He was quite uncomfortable the 1st 24 hrs. but it got better.
    Tomorrow Hubbie and son are going to visit colleges. One in Boston and two in Rhode Island. I am not going due to two reasons. The furry kids need to be taken care of and frankly I just can do all that walking, it'll kill my body and then I'll be USELESS for two or three days! I told Nick if he likes one of them and wants to go back, I'll go with them then.
    Just got back from doing my Mom's hair. She is soooooo appreciative and so is my Dad, but I TRULY enjoy doing it. My parent's are soooo special and I thank God that we still have them with us. We will take every day that we can talk to them and visit with them. They'll be going away next week to their refuge in Maine. After all that they've been through over the last month, I pray that it'll be a very nice week and relaxing.
    Got to go to bed now, it's calling....
  8. mrsb91986
    Feeling VERY down!!! I just can't seem to shake it. My hips were really killing me today. Today was the second time in one week that I took the elevator at school, which mind you is only two floors! Nasty neck ache, my body and head are just soooo tired. Not to mention the stiffness and feet pain. Taking my hubbie for an out-patient procedure tomorrow for a polyp in his bladder. OOOOHHH! That's going to be painful, but he'll be knocked out. hopefully the pain won't be residual. I'll be praying that it'll just be that, a polyp. Going to bed.
  9. mrsb91986
    Hope everyone is having a rather healthy day today! Maybe even a great day! The sun is shining with some coud cover. My son and I are off from school today for Yom Kipper, and my daughter has been home since Saturday since she didn't have any classes today either. It's been so nice to have her home. She actually told me the other day that last Sunday, she really was missing me. After the initial shock, that made me feel really good!!! I guess I did o.k. as a mom. We always question our selves over the years and hope that just possibly we did the right things although we know that we screwed up many times. I call those "Parental Faux Pas" . Very tired from doing so much this past weekend. I could REALLY use a nap about now. How about you? Got to go get dinner ready. Tacos tonight!!! SOOO EASY!
  10. mrsb91986
    mass this week AND that Rosary for Peace! I am exhausted from the cleaning and decorating, although I am not finished. The Rosary for peace was absolutely beautiful!!! I felt so peaceful as well. If it wasn't for my faith in God, I would not be able to get through these difficult times! Thank you Jesus and Mary!
    God bless!
  11. mrsb91986
    The following are my regular health links that I look to for info on my different diagnoses.
    The Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation
    Antiphospholipid Antibodies
    Antiphospholipid Syndrome Research
    And of Course HERE!!!
    Cushing's Help and Support
  12. mrsb91986
    Feeling somewhat energetic today! Not at all like this past week! I promised my husband Gus that this weekend the house would look better. I don't know, this being sick and working is for the birds!!! Doing a heavy duty cleaning is usually the last thing on the list. I am just happy that I can keep up on doing laundry and dinner! I am even going to try and put out my Autumn decorations! I LOVE the fall! Of course Summer comes first!!!! The only thing that I don't like is the fact that UGLY DEPRESSING winter comes next. After Christmas, it totally sucks!!! The fall, if my health cooperates, usually makes me want to bake and cook. I can't say that I've really felt moved to do it yet... It is rather cloudy out now, though the sun was shining earlier. Tomorrow is going to be rainy and cold. Tomorrow I am hoping to make it to our Cathedral of The Immaculate Conception in Albany for the Rosary for Peace. Lord knows we need it!!!!
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