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Im Still Around

It's me. Adrienne. I see it's been almost two years since I've posted in here. AMAZING. Wow. How time flies when you're on Methadone and Hydromorphone!!! No really.   I am working again on trying to come back to the online world. I am so lonely without it. It's great to have hooked up with Paula again. I hope we can get to know each other better through emails: I miss having a fellow Cushing's survivor to talk to, and I really miss having ANYONE to talk to. And the people I've met here arent j



OHSU Bound - Soon!

Hello. Hello! I have been sleeping in 12-16 hour jags. Amazing. I think it's been about two months since I last did that. Didn't last long either nor will it now so I appreciate it when I get it. It's good news! And I wanted to share with my friends. Thank you for your support. Truly I am grateful. Otay here 'tis:My appointment on the phone was today. I spent a lot of time preparing and worrying, then once we talked I spent more time with his coordinator setting up an appointment. And talking to



Merde! The big story

Well, yesterday I had the big appointment at the Endo?s [Endocrinologist- supposed to be the experts on Cushing?s and treat a lot of diabetics, too] and whoa was it enlightening. The whole time I?m thinking he looks like someone, only a bit younger, and I got this face in my mind but can?t place the name; then I think of it?he looks very much like Donald Rumsfeld! HA HA HA. He does. Really. The guy that headed up our National Security in the USA. Ha ha ha. So, my doctor, Dr. F, has been waiting



I OD'd!

So, when you take about 10 pills in the morning, every morning? Yeah. And, three of those pills are to be taken [1] in the morning; and [2] every eight hours after that? Don't put them in the same little pill box. Really. Here's why:I realized within 10 minutes of my taking my morning pills today that my pill box for today was empty. Yeah. Meaning, i had take three times the dose of my methadone than i normally would. Three pills, 5mgs each; for a total of 15mgs per day. Every eight hours or so.




I could use some help here: http://www.cushings.invisionzone.com/index...53entry118453



Update Again and Christmas

My ?me? time is pretty good. I write a lot mostly. And read a ton. Online and in books. I splurge on my internet for cable access and group memberships that I really enjoy. It allows me to be social without talking physically, which is stressful to me. I get too excited and happy! But writing causes no stress for me, unless it?s fiction that seems to be hella stressful because I am not so confident with it. So I am not pushing myself. Reading is such a pleasure for me. It really is. But, anywa




So it's been so busy. I've had more tests, diagnoses, and appointments in two months than ever.Dexa bone scan shows early bone loss but nothing much. Yay!Back needs surgery.Hips need replacing, once they break.Formally have diabetes type II AND insulin resistance. Started injections at home today. Feeling weak and tired from it. Needles don't hurt! I can only use my thighs and not my stomach as the straie are so bad. I swear, why didn't they put me on insulin years ago huh it DOESNT hurt. Keepin



New MRI Results Uh OH

Now I will discuss the MRI results some more I guess. [goes to look for her glasses] [finds em]So, basically once my attorney knew of the new MRIS being done by the state disability office, cause they called her to tell her cause they LIKE me and want me to have Social Security disability, she sent a letter on to the judge. She expected the denial to be overturned in lieu of the new evidence. However, it was not and no response was received. How odd she said. So, now I have to get my doctor and



Drugged UP

I did it. I made an appointment with a pain management doctor/specialist. It is for 12/5- cause i get paid on the 1st. Merry Christmas to me. It will be as much as $250.00 This is good. I am investing in myself, in my quality of life. So yes, the reason I am so chatty is because my doc just gave me a new schedule II narcotic. Straight Oxycontin. No acetaminophen filler, no nothing else. It is double the strength of percocet and its cheap. 33.00 for a month thats cheap. So I guess i am feeling a



Three Appointments In

So, a recap a bit. Mr. Fogg is my Family Nurse Practioner- FNP- and they have a lot of rights in Oregon. Can write prescriptions, they do a lot. I saw him two years ago for about 6 - 9 months and he changed all my meds to help my kidney pain. The NSAIDS- non steroidal anti-inflammatory- medications were causing some pain in it. He did a lot. I found him again a couple months ago, and my first appt about 3 weeks ago I see him once a week.He opened his own practice. It is about 8 miles down the ro




I just returned from my doctor's appointment. I am absolutely exhausted. I spent a long time preparing my notes and meds and addresses and everything last night. I still have a mirgaine so could be just no sleep but taking my Midrin for migraines and got a few more too.Perfect example of what weird things my cushings syndrome does to me. I was SO EXCITED to be going today. Oh my GOSH I didnt have to pay! I got to see my favorite nurse in his OWN practice complete with a lab onsite and two doctor




MY BIO IS NOW CURRENT ON THE SITE.UPDATE 10/6/05:I have received a very basic health plan insurance through my state. It covers appointments and medications which is more than I?ve had these last three years, so I am happy. I do not know that it really covers hospitalization or many tests, but we shall see. When I was at the urgent care for pneumonia last week, the doctor there told me where the nurse that I love is now practicing. He helped me get off a lot of medications that were hurting my k



What I been up to

Gee I let this blog go. I had a cold. The it became strep throat. Then sinus infection and bronchitis. Now I got pnemonia. Safe to say I am very infected!I got some sort of medical insurance. I am happy about it. But it isnt much and I had to lie to get it. I dont know much about it. But at least doctors visits and meds will be paid for. That's... amazing. Im just in shock.Yesterday marked one year that my dad died. So I wrote something for him. Maybe i'll post it. A bit dramatic but that's me.




I dunno where to ask this. I cant pick a board.Im dizzy! Im so dizzy! Its like vertigo. No nausea. Appetite increase which is odd usually its normal. Same amount of steroids 21mgs prednisone. BUt the room is tilting like this see?Worse when i lie down or move my head. I stopped my high Blood pressure meds thought it might be low. Is this is any way a sign of crises? I havent ever had it before. Its just so odd. 4 days now!And no, i dont have a doctor. No, i cant see one for sth as piddly as this



Off the patch

of fentanyl; hope i dont have to use that again. It works as well actually better than most, but man was i drugged. today im dizzy; like head between my knees dizzy. i think sleeping so long [24hours!!!] might have lowered my blood pressure too much so with the strong meds for that it was too low. i dunno. really i dont. how rare to sleep so much and how lovely. oh i wrote sth, trying to understand how to get back in suck it up mode:When I was in labor, sixteen years ago this August 25, I had an




What a day. I need to get an address for Jinxie for the hug a cushie doll. I havent been posting cause I'm on Fentanyl patch. I didn't want ot depress anyone but ah it's still not taking the pain away. My back. This pain is wearing me down big time. It isn't that it's 10 on a scale of 1-10; cause you know, I think someone having their legs blown off is a 10. Most I've had is a 9 in my life which is writhing on the floor moaning and wishing I were dead pain from my kidney. ANYWAYS it's about a 5




It helped. One more little pill. Still swollen and sleepless mostly. I feel like an overused escalator that reverses without notice. How very annoying. Missing my father today. Happy in other ways. Up and down. Odd but I think one has to do with the other. Hmmmm




I think im having a wee adrenal crises. Yeah. so I prescribed myself 1mg prednisone. We shall see if it helps. Hey theres perks not having a dr. right. Right




I keep forgetting to write in here. I feel like shit.Yeah that about sums it up. So, I feel like Im having a crises. Fuzzy headed like soda pop bubbles are bursting in ma brain. Weak. just odd. And my blood sugars check out time after time they're ok. I'm not weaning right now still at 21mgs. My back hurts like holy hell. I mean whoa it hurts All I can say is the pain meds of codeine, hydrocodone make me feel this way. I don't know. Got that rapid pulse feeling too. Feeling a bit better. But



What's going on- SSA, etc.

Well I had my social security appeals hearing on July 15. So I think I can finally talk about it now. I first applied oh four years ago. I had to reapply oh two years ago or has it been three? Anyways. So I had been denied on paper four times to get to the hearing. I had appeared twice before the judge: Once, I wasn't prepared and she said get an attorney. Second time, I had moved and lost my atty so then I moved back she said go get an attorney I will reschedule you. So I did. The attorney assu



Cushie Ditty BDay Wish

Just sth I wrote years ago in honor of the site's birthday! So I'm a day late it is heartfelt aye ayeCushie DittyI never made a ditty About this Cushie city That we've helped MaryO to build While feeling so ill The support is in each of us We lean on each other Some more, some less But always we know where to go What is there to say? Too much I am afraid The helplessness is the worst The questioning of self worth Constantly tested by The very people Who have taken an oath To help us in our pain



My Story

I am posting this four-part series in one shot here for those who are interested. This is just until I can post my story on the board when MaryO has finished that part of it. Any inaccuracies about cushings are solely my fault; my focus on this piece wasn't cushings so i left a whole lot out.I. ~ IN THE BEGINNNG: I?ve fought against this for so long that now, at the precipice of acceptance, I am reluctant even to write the words that are playing havoc with my mind. Three words, or one if you pre



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