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after surgery

So far claudie is unable to blow her nose. She had the water dumping. blood pressure is lower. sugar level was down when she left the hospital, it was 99. Low blood pressure was 135/87. They went in under the lip but took the bone to plug the hole in the skull from the upper nose area. The fat to fill the space from the pituitary gland was taken from her stomach, they make a big cut, 6 inches! for a little fat. The signs of some sort of visble relief were small. Her skin felt softer, but she sti



Been a long time since i bloged

Well this sugery was somuch more trouble then I though it seems like i take one forward and ten steps back i kinda scareds of this new bacteria they founded in the wound for the research that I done today dosn't sound very good but i will contnue to do research that has to be some kinda of treatment that is helpful but on a lighter side of things we got brittany enrolled at the college and her classes started on july 24 Brooke went to texas with her best friend to visit her friend dad and step



Zoo and MRI

No, no - I am not saying the hospital is a zoo...although sometimes feels like it...LOL! Harry and I went off to the zoo in the morning yesterday and spent a great day in the sunshine..and boy, was it hot - we saw loads of different animals. The zoo is a rescue centre too so many of the animals we saw were on the verge of extinction. Harry touched a python and got up close with a barn owl, a lizard and a guinea pig - OK not scary, but very cute. He had a good old time on the bouncy castle and pl



It's a scorcher in the UK!

If you want to act like a big kid and have the time of your life then I highly recommend a water gun...It is a gorgeous hot day today and Harry and I got one each today and have had a blast getting each other soaked in the garden. I remember having bags of fun with an empty washing up bottle when I was a kid - never had these fancy water guns in my day - god I feel, old...think I need to go out and get another soaking !!!!!   Its been a hot, hot, hot day today. Harry had his first speech the



Car Crash...what a day!

Yesterday was going to be a great day. I 'thought' I had an appointment with the hospitals eye clinic, so Steve, harry and I drove to Steves work. We were having a good old chat about our holiday, how we were looking forward to the break, the Sun was shining, it was a lovely day...then....CRASH!!!!! someone hit the back of our car....all of our boot was caved in, couldn;t shut it and the light was damaged. Our toe bar went through their radiator...nightmare! All of us went off to the A&E...H



Camping fever...

Well, it's official - I am a closet camper...I will receive my first tent tomorrow along with all the camping accessories and we will be off on our first camping trip in the coming weeks. I feel I am on the first step and will aspire to a caravan before too long...   Steve will be home soon and will be dragging me out for another bike ride. I am becoming a glutton for punishment...please assure me that I am not losing my sanity



About Claudie

My daughter has Cushing's. I though something was going on about 2 years ago when she was 12, yes I said 12! I just knew it was Cushing?s. The insurance company kept telling me she had her exams and the doc said she was normal, except for elevated cholesterol. So, no appointment unless it was at my expense. She started blooming big time and I checked on the no period thing. They do not worry until 16 years. She was growing the normal hair patterns at that point (however, a medical report I rea



Surgery Day is Coming to soon

My daughter is having surgery on June 13th. 2006. They will be removing her whole pituitary gland. I am worried about if they are doing the right thing. I feel sad all of the time. Is there anyone else who has a child that this has happen to?



Things are looking up...

I am feeling good...actually went out on my bike yesterday and Steve and I have promised to try and go out each evening. I can tell you, I hurt...soooooo much....my legs were burning and so was my chest and I ache today but boy was it worth it - I felt so good !! I would never have thought I could have ridden a bike a year and a half ago.   Steve and I are also planning a camping trip - never been camping in my life! but we have gone and got us a tent and are heading for the Norfolk coast fo



Update - 1st post-op endo appointment

Came away feeling deflated. Numbers are looking OK. Thyroid is now borderline within range. Oestrogeon is still on the low side. The plan is for me to reduce my hydro to 25mg and if I am OK try to get down to 20mg. I am increasing my thyroxine to 125mcg - see if that helps with weight loss. Need to combat one thing at a time in order to eliminate what is happening, so will have to continue to be patient. If a reccurance occurs then radiotherapy is looking likely. Need to also get used to Novotra



Never Ending

Today is a bad day. I am struggling so much I don't know how much longer I will be able to cope. I am tired, tearful, and so sore everywhere. My head is so painful all the time. I am at work, trying to get through another day, but I don't think I can go on like this. It is just too much. And yet I am afraid of being weak, of giving in, of disappointing the people who believe in me and need to see me coping with this. I don't think anyone really understands how hard it is getting just to get up




I went to the hospital yesterday for a follow up appointment. It went well. Ok, well is an exaggeration, but at least she didn't tell me I was stupid, or call me a liar. Sure, she implied it, but that's progress!! They are now leaning towards PCOS, with no grounding for it whatsoever, except the weight gain. My periods are normal, I have no unusual hair growth, and I have roughly 20 symptoms that aren't explained by PCOS, but hey, it's more common, and the treatment is simpler, so let's pretend



Feeling rough again

Woke up with no energy, muscles are just aching so much. My lips feel numb. I head feels heavy. Had continuous headaches last night. I just feel like I need to lie down and sleep today, I just feel drained. My cheeks are burning too. I just don't feel right at all. Is this me getting better....??   I am glad now that I decided to defer my studies. I really don't know how I would have been able to manage them right now. To think that my Doctors recommended I would be fine after 8 weeks. i reall



Good news about pre-eclampsia link

I received a very welcoming email this morning in response to an email I sent in April concerning a study I took part in back in 2001 when my son was born. It was looking into the genetics of Pre-eclampsia. Since being diagnosed with Cushings, I have always wondered about the link with Cushings and emailed a Doctor on the study to ask if any links had been found. Here is my post:   http://cushings.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=16016   I really hope that further research could be made



Finaly up to writing

Today is wednesday mornindg in the am as you can see sleep is still a issue and tonight pain is a issue kinda disappointment I had such a good day yesterday then today I had a awful day I have to talk to my homew health nurse about it tomorrow. I think i just getting stressed out with Brittany graduation is friday so we are all very excited I have missed everyone somuch it just been to painful to sit up so sometimes i come on to rad but really didn,t have the strength to write. this wound vac is



Another day

Feeling a bit better today emotionally - my spirits are more up on yesterday. Tackling my ever growing ironing pile but having plenty of breaks in between as I feel so tired still. Its taking me ages but my arms and legs just ache.   Harry and I were mucking around with that Monkey email that Robin posted some time ago - Harry was in a fit of giggles and I can't get him off of it - Thanks Robin!!!   I've decided to wait to see my endo next Thursday. I know I am probably silly but I just hav



Up and Down and Up and Down

Ok, so last Thursday was a bit of a nightmare. I woke up feeling rough, my stretch marks were almost invisible, and I my head was killing me. I'm guessing that was a low. Then, around 11am, the stretchmarks suddenly turned DARK purple, and I was suddenly more depressed than Ive felt in a long time. That lasted most of the day, then the mood and the stretchmarks calmed down around tea time. I have to guess from this that these feelings of sadness, isolation and desperation are a symptom of a high




I'm feeling Ok today apart from this continuous thirst I keep having. I am drinking so much and my mouth is always dry???   I received Sherry's beautiful bracelets through the post today which was a nice surprise. I bought one for Mum too which I am sure she will love.   The weekend was a quite one. I spent yesterday immersed in a James Patterson Book '4th of July' which has been one of those can't put it down books. Nearly finished it. Steve cooked a gorgeous dinner yesterday. Harry now has



Grey Skies Are Gonna Clear Up

I have to believe that things are going to get better, because if I don't believe it, I won't be able to get out of bed tomorrow. I am so lucky to have my husband. Matt is the only reason I have coped this long, but I'm not sure I am strong enough to keep going any more. I am amazed and in awe daily of the way so many others deal with this illness and manage to keep a smile on their faces. Matt says I am strong enough to handle whatever life throws at me, after all, God only gives you as much as




I've woken up with such a bad headache, I feel so rough. It hurts across my forehead and behind my eyes. I'm trying to reduce my hydro by 5mg today as I was on 25mg around this time last time I was in recovery and personally I just feel I am on too much being on 30mg. My endo appointment was supposed to be at 6wks post-op but I am seeing my endo at 9-10weeks post-op. I can't wait that long....   Feeling very disheartened right now and need some serious cheering up. An old friend is visiting t



Not feeling too good...

Its 2:45am and I have been up since 1:15 with a bad tummy. I feel so rough and my head is banging. Just trying to rehydrate myself and I am so tired, I just want to sleep, but the pains are so bad.   Took loads of photos on my new camera yesterday. Its my 1st digitial camera and I must admit when you see photos of yourself it gives a different perspective. I was saddened to see what I look like. I don't like how I look at all. I just want to be off of these steroids and free of this disease.



Silence...is golden

Its 7:30am right now and the house is so silent. Mum's doing overtime and was off to work at 6am and Steve and Harry are curled up in bed and it is so quiet, it is blissful.   As I said in yesterday's blog, come the evening and all was well again. Steve and I sorted out our differences and it turned out to be a lovely evening. The boys had dinner in the garden as it was a gorgeously warm evening and Mum and I shared a few laughs in the house.   Harry's appointment went OK, if a little rushed



I just want to climb back in bed...

It started out a fairly good morning, then Steve got a mood on and made a comment and there we are having a row in the car with Harry telling us to be quiet....not good....I felt so stressed, my head was pounding, I felt dizzy, I felt sick - I am not handling stress that well right now - reacting to situations. I hate it! I don't like arguing in front of Harry but both Steve and I got bees in our bonnets this morning and both went for the jugular. Was left with me not talking to him, dropped him



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